This site © 1999-2005 Cathay Camera Club.
Founded in 1982, the Cathay Camera Club is the largest English speaking camera club in Hong Kong. The Club's membership is a cosmopolitan group of amateur enthusiasts that provides a forum for people bound by a common interest in photography. The Club organises a variety of activities, ranging from competitions and exhibitions, to workshops, darkroom work, photographic walks and socials. Meetings are held in English and the members are from over a dozen countries worldwide, including Hong Kong. The club is open to all.
The Club meets twice a month - usually (subject to statutory holidays) the first and third Monday - at 7:30 pm.. The first meeting of the month is usually a competition and the second a "Club Night" featuring a speaker or a members' night.
The Club currently meets in the Mariner's Club, Middle Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. Meetings start about 7:30pm. The Mariner's club has excellent kitchens and a variety of foods and drinks are available.
On the first Monday of each month there is an internal competition with four categories: Open Subject Slides, Special Subject Slides, Special Subject Prints and Open Subject Prints. A guest judge (often a professional photographer) is invited to award scores out of a total of 20. These marks are tallied throughout the year with awards given at the end of the year. Special consideration (discretionary award) is given to new members and beginners.
The judge is encouraged to comment on each entry, often providing helpful hints on composition, technique etc. Members are also asked to talk about their work and to ask questions about other members' work. The competitions provide a regular incentive to take photographs or to sift through and assess past efforts. Once a year the Club also competes with other English speaking clubs in Hong Kong and we have also participated in "International Slide Battles" against clubs in the UK.
The topics for Special Subject Colour Slides are set at the beginning of the year. For 1999 they are listed above. These photographs must be taken in Hong Kong or Macau. Photographs for all other categories (Open subject colour slides, colour print and black and white print) have no restrictions.
Some results and comments on competition nights can be found here
The following is a list of some previous Club Nights and speakers to give an indication of the range of topics covered:
Members are given the opportunity to show off their best work in a public exhibition. In the past we have been sponsored by the Urban Council to exhibit our members' own selection of their best work in the main foyer of the Cultural Centre, and we have usually timed our exhibition to coincide with and complement the Hong Kong Arts Festival in January. We have also exhibited at the Fringe Club - with each year having a different theme.
Sponsorship is sought to defray the cost of hiring the venue and hosting an opening party. About 1,500 visitors view our photographs and a few have been sold to the public at the Fringe Club Exhibition.
The Club has no darkroom facility of its own. Island School runs regular evening courses for beginners. Some members have set up their own darkrooms and would be happy to advise anyone who is contemplating doing this. Kodak has a fully equipped professional studio (with lighting and backdrops) which they allow the Club to use subject to prior booking.
Members are encouraged to organise or join in a variety of walks and Field Trips, which provide photographic opportunities, a chance to learn from the more experienced members as well as a social outing. Venues are subject to the suggestion of the membership and have included:
The club has a small library of photographic books and videos, which it lends out free of charge to members. Members are encouraged to donate unwanted photo magazines which other members may wish to take.
The club has negotiated a number of discounts (upon presentation of current membership card):
Membership is open to anyone interested. The annual membership fee is HK$500 for individual members, $750 for couples, and $250 for students. A couple can be any two people living at the same address and sharing one copy of the monthly newsletter which is sent to all members. Membership fees may be pro-rated for those who join for only part of the year.
Prospective members are very welcome to come along to meetings free of charge before deciding whether to join.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. For additional information please call Rex on 2176 3475 or Irene on 9227 9644.
Take a look at our Constitution.